“All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
I think that this generation of parents has mostly abandoned parenting that is driven by the ‘pull yourself up by the bootstraps’ mentality. Not to say we shouldn’t or don’t teach our kids to pick themselves up when they fall (literally or figuratively). Instead, most parents I know value the idea of getting down on the ground to play with their kids, maybe in a way our parents never did.
I know I do. My parents are great people, but I don’t really remember them playing with us while we were growing up. I think they believed that’s what siblings were for! But being the youngest of 6, I’ve always been a child at heart and so the thing I most looked forward to when I became a mom was playing with my kids.
In my worst moments, I feel like I don’t have time for anything: chores, cooking, my own free time, quality time with my husband, or playing with my kids. In my best moments, I remember that sometimes these things can be creatively combined. So, with that in mind, I crafted a series of yoga sequences to help us mamas to fit in some yoga postures to help us get down to the rug to play with our littles. Hope you enjoy this one!
Here’s the progression in the video:
Tadasana / urdhva hastasana / uttanasana (knees bent) / bend knees to touch hands down and walk them forward to adho mukha svanasana / cat-cow (repeat back and forth a few times / balasana. And don’t forget...play-asana!
If you’re not familiar with the Sanskrit names of yoga postures, a Google search is pretty reliable in providing details; or, if you’re a busy mama like me, just keep it simple and watch the video!
Every Tuesday I’ll share a micropractice that helps busy moms (and dads and kids, and really anyone) to incorporate brief yoga practices into their day. Every Friday I’ll post ideas and inspiration for practicing yoga with kids. Here’s the post to kick off this biweekly series that will last until the end of the year!